What Excites You?

It’s hard feeling happy and passionate about something you dread. Sadly, it’s one of the reasons many people struggle to get out of bed every morning for work. If a person actually had a forceful passion about the work he does, would he need 3 alarms to get him up in the morning? Highly unlikely. He’d be feeling so stoked for the day ahead that getting up is no issue at all. With that being said, find something in your day, something at work, something at home that makes you happy, and put your focus on it. Think about being back at school. Most kids feel annoyed about being at school; ask a kid if he likes school and he’s response to it is probably that he can’t wait to be done with it.The moment that very same kid meets someone in school that he likes, suddenly school excites him—he wakes up every morning feeling excited for the day ahead. The key is to find a detail in your day that you can use as a reason to feel passionate.

Make a List

Take some time off in your day and make a list of things that you like. It could be the most simplest of things. Write them down on a page. After doing that, start eliminating items in order of how passionate an option makes you. Keep this up until you find something that really makes you feel excited and passionate. With that being said, if you’re unable to find something, do some research online. You may have always wanted to learn how to cook or make music with FL studio, so research things that you would like to learn. Make a similar list as mentioned above, and eliminate options until you have the “golden” one.

Last but Not Least, Do it!

Don’t prolong or procrastinate—just jump onto the bandwagon. There’s no time like the present, and it’s best that you invest some of your time into finding a hobby or reason to feel passionate right now. If you’re not convinced as to why, try looking at it from a different perspective: most successful and happy entrepreneurs of today do the things they’re passionate about. The reason for this is simply because passion is known for evoking other positive emotions such as ambition, joy, and even perseverance. Can you imagine the things you could accomplish if you were to have a passion filled day all week? It could be the reason why you excel at work. It could become the inspiration for a thriving social life and relationship. It could become the driving force that turns you into the next big entrepreneur of this decade. Don’t wait until tomorrow or the next day: get started right now. Dig deep into your mind and figure out exactly what you would like your life to be. Picture yourself 10 years from now and ask yourself what you would like to see yourself accomplish. Do all of these things and I promise you the results will be astounding. The difference and change you may seek in your life rests in your hands: you have the power to turn a sucky day or a sucky year into one that feels phenomenal.

Do this with Passion!