Some of these are tidbits that we have known through the ages and Design Taxi addresses those here. Using colours to differentiate the important from the not-so-important and taking breaks are ideas that we have been familiar with since primary-school class-tests. The icons are able to point one towards what will help us most but using the other useful tips is also encouraged. We must understand that this will help us most when we use it according to our unique ways of learning. A learner can take the different modes of grasping visually, kinesthetically, verbally and auditorily. Taking notes and putting them around us can be a great help. And most of all, with our technologically adled minds, the best tip seems to be to remove ourselves from the clutches of phones and tablets. At least for the time being, when we are enthused to get some information into our brains. It is crucial for a learner to have a study schedule and this is something that the infographic helps us with. While asking us to clock in those hours, rest and exercise are of equal import. And most importantly, all these tips are based on scientific research and resources, so we know that we are in good hands. Or let’s say, good ideas. Featured photo credit: via