Not only are they almost invisible, the aligners are much more comfortable than the traditional fixed braces, and as they can be taken out, they are also much less restrictive to your lifestyle. You can still eat whatever you want comfortably, and even take them out temporarily for big events such as weddings. If you are embarking upon an Invisalign journey, or even if you are part way through, here are some tips to make the process easier.

1. Travel Toothbrushes Are Your Friend

Carry a travel toothbrush and toothpaste with you wherever you go, if possible, and brush your teeth after every meal. If you can’t brush them right after a meal, chew some sugar-free gum, and brush them as soon as you are able. This may seem inconvenient at first, but you will soon get used to it, and your dentist will be happy with you. Patients who take good care to clean their teeth during Invisalign treatment are very unlikely to develop cavities. You are also less likely to have problems with bad breath throughout the day if you are on top of your oral hygiene.

2. Switch Aligners At Night Time

When you are switching to your next set of aligners, consider changing them at night time. Take some ibuprofen, and you should be able to sleep through the initial adjustment process and avoid having to deal with any discomfort during the day time. There isn’t usually pain between sets anyway, but particularly in the first few aligners there may be some discomfort, which can be minimised this way.

3. Look After Your Aligners

Put them in a glass of water with a denture cleaning tablet in the morning. This will help keep them fresh and clean, and combat morning breath. It also helps to keep them looking nice and clear, and avoid discolouration. Don’t use toothpaste to brush them, as it contains abrasive ingredients. This can actually cause the aligners to build up stains and odours. If you want to brush them, just use water or a mild soap. Always carry your case with you. Don’t wrap them in a napkin when you’re out for a meal, as the risk of accidentally throwing them away is too high and they are expensive to replace!

4. Watch What You Drink

Drink plenty of water. Keeping hydrated will help avoid problems such as bad breath, and stop your mouth feeling uncomfortable. Don’t drink hot drinks such as tea or coffee with your Invisalign in, as you could warp them. Avoid drinks such as red wine that can stain the plastic. You don’t want your stained aligners to make your teeth look yellow. If you drink alcohol with the aligners in, opt for clear coloured drinks, such as white wine, gin, or vodka. Avoid sugary mixers and opt for soda or tonic instead. Not only do you risk decay, but they can make your teeth feel a bit furry and unpleasant if you drink soft drinks with your aligners in. Always brush your teeth after drinking anything other than water. You don’t have to do it after every single drink, but ideally at the end of a night out or coffee break.

5. Wear Your Retainer

Always be prepared to wear retainers after you are finished with your Invisalign braces. If you’re investing hard earned cash into your smile, the last thing you want is for your teeth to move back to their original positions once you’ve got your braces off. Make the most of being used to wearing your aligners regularly, and stick to wearing your retainers once you’ve finished your Invisalign treatment. You will regret it if you don’t! Featured photo credit: via