This article is inspired by a thought provoking article written by Stephanie Kwong. She encourages us to flip the switch from viewing life’s commitments as “should” and “have to,” into “I get to” instead. Wow! The “I get to” mantra is so much more of a fulfilling and fun privilege. Phrases like “I get to” keep us mindful of living and loving life. So why stop at just one? Here are 15 other wonderfully powerful phrases which can inspire you to be present in the moment, to live in alignment with your own life choices, to enjoy life, and keep living it with passion:

1. The purpose of my life is to be happy.

This is the most important phrase of all. Repeat it to yourself several times a day. The basic reason you are here on Earth is to discover your own inner happiness. When you are happy, that joy and energy you exude will take you to places and experiences you have always dreamed of and more! This is your Big Picture soulful purpose.

2. I’ve got this!

Ahhh, this is all about self empowerment as you move through life. It reminds you to be confident, roll with the punches, and to believe in yourself.

3. I will just “let it go.”

There will be plenty of ups and downs in life. The downs will definitely hold you down. Let it go — the disappointments, the mistakes, the feelings of remorse, regret, guilt, and all those other negative emotions which won’t propel you forward to enjoy the best life has to offer.

4. An Oldie, but a Goodie… I know things could be worse.

When things get tough, put your own situation into perspective. Turn your situation upside down and realize how much worse it could have been. Be thankful for the way it turned out. Practice grateful gratitude!

5. The only thing holding me back is ME !

Yep, you are in the driver’s seat. With determination, perseverance, effort, attention, and intention you can do anything. Don’t expect a windfall of any sort. You orchestrate every single moment of your life by the way you perceive circumstances and how you choose to respond.

6. Life is not so short to me.

In the United States, the average lifespan for an adult male is 75 years, and 81 years for a female. That’s pretty darn long!  So why does everyone say life is fleeting? Answer: because most people are not living life in the moment. When you are constantly looking behind you or worrying about tomorrow, it seems as if life is passing you by. However, time is actually not moving any faster. When you begin to enjoy each day, each hour, and each minute, the years do not become a blur.

7. My struggles exist to indicate I need to shift.

We all do it from time to time. You have. I have. We all get lost in the struggle — the struggle for more money, more power, more time. We also struggle to have our way be the right way. This inner struggle defeats you and your momentum. It’s a startling reminder that you need to make a needed change in your life (sometimes on many levels). Living without struggle allows for greater freedom. Living freely is the goal of life for us all.

8. There is no wrong turn on my life journey.

Your life path is unique from that of your parents, siblings, children, or friends. It’s creatively designed by a higher force so that you (hopefully) get to learn along the way and uncover your true sense of happiness — your essence! So when you make a choice that didn’t get you where you thought you would land, don’t beat yourself up. That turn you made was one you were supposed to take in order to teach you something you needed to know in order to grow.

9. All my tears soothe my soul.

Ahhh… tears… your body’s own saltwater! Saltwater heals wounds. Tears not only heal wounds, but they are also the outcome of deep emotions which need to be released — emotions of sadness, despair, frustration, laughter, joy, and bliss. Whether your tears are sorrowful at the loss of someone’s life, or blissful at the birth of your child, or the consequence of a serious belly laugh, they are all meant to soothe your soul. It’s okay to cry.

10. Life is all about my choices.

The life you live is the life you choose. Choices build upon each other. Every single choice you make has implications which will steer you in one direction or another. If a poor choice is made along the way, don’t worry so much. Life is forgiving if you want it to be.

11. I say “Yes” more often.

Growing up, you probably heard more “no’s” from parents, teachers, and caregivers than “yes’s.” So give yourself permission to say “yes” more often, especially to opportunities which will nourish your spirit. Say “yes” to that spontaneous bike ride with your kids. Say “yes” to that massage you so desperately need. Say “yes” to the homeless man begging for that $4 you were going to spend at Starbucks tomorrow morning. A heartfelt “yes” may open your soul to limitless possibilities.

12. I embrace uncertainty.

Most people like certainty. They like a sure thing. Not knowing what’s in store for you can be pretty daunting and scary. That is, if you choose that perspective. The reality is, there will always be uncertainty and randomness. It’s a law of life (and physics). You can’t escape it, so just embrace it. Welcome the change. Welcome the unknown into your life. Get comfy with it so that when things don’t go as planned, you can just go with the flow. Think of how beautiful is it to struggle less.

13. I put passion behind my purpose.

You are a unique soul in this world and have very special gifts that no one else has. Honing in our your gifts (talents, skills, qualities) will help you identify your life purpose. When you realize why you are here on Earth and what you can contribute, it is essential to put all of your passion behind it. Whether you are an astronaut, sanitary worker, super dad, or the best Lego builder ever, your passion for what you do will drive you toward life happiness.

14. When I’m not learning, I’m not growing.

This is one of my favorite phrases. Your life purpose is to grow, to learn, and to evolve in order to click into your own essence and be happy. The only way to grow is to continue to learn and expand your mind and spirit. I get happy just thinking about how much more I get to learn in my life. Wow!

15. I love you.

The desire to be loved is a human need. To give love to another human or animal is something we hopefully learn how to do along our life path. Love is an extremely powerful energy force. Those three little words (“I love you”) can tear down walls of hatred, halt an attempted suicide, or unite a lifelong partnership. If you haven’t spoken them in awhile, it’s time to begin again. Whispers are allowed. A life filled with love is a life worth living.


These 15 phrases are a little nudge to remind you just how lucky you are to be alive. You have infinite possibilities awaiting you. Live life passionately! Featured photo credit: via