Do you recall how you talked about everything: your similarities, differences, goals, and visions? Remember how easy it was to ask each other probing questions? Can you recall how close and connected you felt to your beloved? And yet, if you are like most couples, the honeymoon phase of your relationship waned and the curiosity was replaced by gripes about work, exchanges about chores and plans for the many responsibilities that you now both shoulder. There is nothing inherently wrong with your relationship. However, lack of deeply engaging dialogue with your partner is slowly weakening your emotional intimacy: the very backbone of your relationship. Dr. John Gottman says that successful couples are intimately familiar with each other’s worlds.[1] To keep the connection between you and your partner alive, you must always prioritize the discovery and cultivation of each other’s internal world. If you want to increase the intimacy in your relationship, create some weekly time for quizzes. Quizzes help you to explore and understand your partner’s internal world in a fun way, consequently increasing your intimacy. The following quizzes will help you to initiate deep conversations to help you support and strengthen emotional intimacy with your partner.

1. Quizzes on Books

The books we read say a lot about us: the genres we choose, the scenes that linger in our minds, the characters we admire… finding out your partner’s impressions on the books they have been reading is a great way of learning more about them.

2. Quizzes on Technology

Technology has wholly permeated relationships. Research shows that you pick your smartphone 85 times a day and you are probably online 25 hours per week.[2] Gadgets have become extensions of us. Technology, therefore, becomes an appropriate subject as you seek to know your partner even better and improve the connection of your relationship.

3. Quizzes on Fame

The famous serve as both an object of worship and disgust for us, simultaneously representing what we strive to be, and what we dislike about ourselves.[3] Knowing how your partner feels about celebrity life helps you understand their principles and morals a little bit better.

4. Quizzes on Your Relationship

Reflecting on your relationship helps you strengthen your connection.[4] Sometimes, it is easy to assume that you and your partner are on the same page while you are not. Questions about your relationship provide you with a well-rounded view of your relationship and where it is going.

5. Quizzes on Your Past

There is nothing like the early days of a relationship. However, as responsibilities grow, you find that you slowly settle into duties and intimacy has taken the back burner. Revisiting the early days of your relationship is a great way to reconnect with your partner all over again. You also discover new ways to effortlessly reconnect with your beloved whenever you feel that you need it.

6. Quizzes on Secrets

This quiz helps you and your partner to not only know each other better but to gain a new appreciation of each other.

7. Quizzes on Money

Money is t he most common cause of conflict in many relationships.[5] Taking quizzes about money will help you balance out your relationship financially and increase your emotional connection.

8. Quizzes on Trust

We all know that trust is a fundamental component of every healthy relationship. The following questions will give your relationship a boost and leave you feeling much more secure.

9. Quizzes on Sex

One of the main distinguishing factors between the relationship with your partner and other relationships in your life is that you are having sex. And yet, sex ha s been ranked among the first three things that couples hardly discuss.[6] A quiz about sex will help you and your partner establish your level of satisfaction with your sex life and to determine what you need to do to ensure you are both sexually fulfilled. The sense of trust that will come from your brave vulnerability could be one of the most powerful things to happen to you as a couple.

10. Five Things ……Go!

This is a simple, quick quiz that you can do anywhere, anytime. When your partner calls out a topic, you will both go through five things around the subject. For instance, you can cover: The versatility and playfulness of this quiz make it a total winner. Be creative to make the exercise fun.

Final Thoughts

Quizzes are a great way to strengthen the connection in your relationship. Remember, even though you love each other, your relationship does not run on autopilot. Your relationship will only thrive if you intentionally put effort into it. And yes, you can get by just fine without doing any of the suggested quizzes, but giving a few of them a try could take your relationship to the next level. Featured photo credit: NeONBRAND via